Why Protect Your Paycheck?

Why Protect Your Paycheck?

What is your greatest asset?  Your home? Your automobile?……NO……your greatest asset is your ability to earn your paycheck…..but is that ability protected? You do protect your home and auto in case those are lost……Whether you are a Doctor…Lawyer….Business Owner….Healthcare Professional…..if you become sick or disabled your paycheck stops……but the rent…mortgage….salaries…..utilities…..school loan payments….business/practice overhead…..don’t stop…..

How do we fix this? With individually-owned DISABILITY INCOME PROTECTION….we’ll call if DI for this discussion…

But I have it at work…If you do that’s great..but a few things to be aware of…one major concern is that employer-sponsored coverage in most cases goes away the day you leave your job….another issue…if your employer pays for it for you… the benefit when you receive it will be TAXABLE….and it is limited as to how much of your income is protected…..we recommend no less than 65%.

Other factors to consider….a plan you provide for yourself will be TAX-FREE when received….it will cover you if you have a full or partial loss of income…..it will provide you with a monthly check and a lump sum for certain catastrophic occurrences……..unlike your coverage at work…individual DI will adjust annually for cost-of-living…..

What about my RETIREMENT PLAN?…..when you are sick or disabled…..your employer CANNOT legally contribute to your retirement plan..or match your 401(k) contribution……YOU CAN fix this problem yourself….we’ll show you how..

What if my business partner gets disabled? How will I pay his/her salary?  and how long will they expect me to pay it? We can help with this too..

I am a very highly compensated practitioner….my DI only covers half my income…..Can I purchase more? Yes…let us show you….

I have two other partners……are there multi-life discounts?   Yes! and in certain circumstances…..even GUARANTEED ISSUE…

It all starts with a conversation……don’t find out when it’s too late….let INCOME RESOURCE GROUP get you answers….NOW

Give is a call at (908)419-5170 or shoot us an email at …info@incomeresourcegroup.com

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Why Protect Your Paycheck?

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